Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Roast

No - THAT'S a roast.
It has been tradition in our program to roast the outgoing residents on the infamous Resident's Day. It's funny - you spend all day "honoring" the chief residents only to end it by making fun of them. 

There are all kinds of levels, bad to excellent, in which a particular roast may fall. I had see one of the bad types when I was a student - I basically spent the whole time wondering what exactly was going on. At first I thought it may have something to do with the fact I wasn't that close to the resident being roasted. But I later found out that, no, it was in fact just bad.

This past year, I can honestly say they were all pretty good (and not just because some of the roasters/roastees are occasional readers.) Things were tasteful yet still humorous. It can be easy to go overboard, beat a dead horse, or repeat things which have been overdone in the past.

I have since then been wondering how things will go when I do it. I think I have a fairly good idea who I will be roasting. I also think I have a fairly good sense of humor. Only problem is, it is a bit dry for a lot of people. I've been known to be pretty sarcastic yet overly blunt. Sadly, I have already been trying to keep a log of things potentially worthy of a roast.

We'll see.

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