Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Won't Miss the Consults

Not really.

Tomorrow marks the end of the new first years' orientation stretch. This means a few things - all of which are generally good.

First, at least at JEI and the VA, I will never again be responsible for the consults. For the most part. There will always be vacations to cover, but those only come a week at a time. And of course at Children's the consults are done by both the junior and senior resident on a day-to-day basis, but oh well. I can't even begin to tell you how glad I am to be rid of the JEI/UAMS consults.

Second, their help will be present in the clinic. Lightened clinic or not, the extra hand is ALWAYS appreciated, no matter how many or few patients that one person can see in course of a clinic. I remember being in that position and feeling like I didn't contribute much by seeing a small handful of patients,  but I later realized the luxury of (almost) anyone's presence.

Third, they are two weeks closer to taking call which only means less call for the rest of the junior residents. Yay.

"What? Candidemia? Call someone else! . . . .Please."

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