Monday, August 1, 2011

What People Used to Think

For those of you who may not be aware, I am a collector of old medical texts and equipment. This little gem you see here has brought me some real joy by looking at it from time to time. It was written circa 1900 (title pages didn't seem to be a requirement back then) by a very cocky, self-proclaimed expert.

I don't say this because of the statements made about treatments for ocular conditions - things were definitely very different then. He refers to cataract surgery as very barbaric, and back then, it certainly was. It was a big surgery full of complications only to leave you needing coke bottle glasses. But there are many other things stated in this book which are absolutely ridiculous. He has ascribed a "Mild Medicine Method" to all illnesses of the eye and ear. Phsssh. Taken from the text:

"There is barely a hint of agreement, among medical authorities, as to the cause of cataract, but it is pretty generally recognized that among the common causes are overworking and straining the eyes, reading or doing needle and fancy work with insufficient light, injuring the eyes by a blow or by a pressure or rubbing with the hands."  Um, what???

On astigmatism, "For it is not a thing to be cured by the mere use of glasses. It may lead to a permanent injury of the sight, to cataract, or other dangerous afflictions of the eye." I think even most (real) eye doctors then didn't feel this way.

And the best part:
"If your eyes are tired, or if they ache and smart on account of their intemperate use, you should write to or personally consult me. I will give you advice and treatment that will undo the evil you have caused through your own carelessness and neglect. In the schools the sight of hundreds of children is impaired every year by the over-use of the eyes. Teachers should be very careful in this matter. Children had better devote a little less time to the books and preserve their eyes for use in the after life than to have them fail just enough to lead their parents to rush off to an ignorant oculist who may finish the work of destruction already begun." Where was this guy when I was in school?

Of course he finishes the book by telling you how to get to his office and why he was so damn brilliant in placing his office in Kansas City.

1 comment:

Shawn Brown said...

Lol!!! Are you kidding me!?! Hahaha! I would love to read that book! It would make for a very amusing read!!!