Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Ophthalmic Hazards of Dentistry

I recently had a patient come into the clinic after what was apparently an eventful dentist appointment. While sitting in the grand chair of dentistry, he had his mouth wide open. The possible implications of this are many, but suffice it to say, we all generally have our mouths open while in the chair of dentistry. He was having some drill work done in his mouth when suddenly he felt as if there was something in his eye. Naturally it didn't want to come out and it is unlikely the dentist looked for it.

So he comes to the eye clinic with this complaint (BLOG!!, I thought). After a thorough exam of the redundant forniceal tissue, I found this little dark chunk. Was it enamel? Was it a chip off the old drill bit? Was a lasting memory of last week's polenta lasagna? Well, I didn't send it for further analysis.

At the end of the day, we all learned one more task during which to wear protective eye wear: being a dentist's patient.

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