Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yes, I Am Old Enough to be Your Doctor

Smart-Ass MD
Remember this guy? Of course you do. People ask me on a daily basis (literally) how old I am, and whether I am really old enough to be a doctor. I am plenty old enough, young of course, but old enough to be a doctor.  The most popular guess I get is age 19. Believe me, I enjoy a youthful look and hope to for many years to come. But you don't need to guess out loud. The guessers become even more surprised when I tell them I am married with a two-year old kid.

Besides, I like this version of Dr. Harris better:
Evil-Ass PhD

1 comment:

Rachel said...

People don't believe me when I say I'm 29. I guess we'll get to look nice and youthful together.

And I still say you need to go as Dr. Horrible for Halloween.