Sunday, April 17, 2011

Post Test Era

The OKAP is over.

This test yesterday was about four hours. Some of the questions I knew without a doubt the correct answer; some I flat out did not. Some I know I made good guesses, and some I did not.

We grilled out with some burgers and beers at a fellow resident's house yesterday evening. Nothing exciting, but a good excuse for everyone to get together. No one (except one) can come up with the excuse of being out of town.

I wish I could say with that test behind me I could relax for a bit. But the very public Resident's Day is coming up in June and everyone has a lot to do to prepare for it. It's when we all present our research project for the year, or a case report for those who want a cop out.

I will relax some today, but it's back to it tomorrow for sure.

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