Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Healthcare is an Inudstry

Not a free-for-all. Not a guarantee. Not a promise. And certainly not perfect.

I saw a bumper sticker on the way home the other day which stated: "Health care for people. Not for profit."  Sorry doofus, there is a lot of potential for profit in health care, and plenty of people to take it.

Allow me to say, though, that I am all for providing the most basic health care needs to every U.S. citizen. But only citizens. And only basic necessities. And whoever decided immigrants could come here and have a baby, making that child a citizen, has obviously never had to care for such families. You want to talk expense? How about the expense of having to provide interpreters all the time? Unnecessary, uncalled for. The real expense comes in overpriced pharmaceuticals and material costs, and having to pay personnel for CYA duties; after all, physician compensation has and continues to drop significantly. The paychecks of pharmacists and ancillary staff will likely follow suit.

As for health care workers, everyone is in it to make a living - no different than any other career choice. Sure I became an eye doctor to help people when they have eye problems. But I also did it to have a sense of job security - I will always be needed. I can also depend on making a reasonable living on which to support my family. Sure it's a better living than, say, a plumber; but I worked a hell of a lot harder to get here. And, let's face it, my work is much more specialized and substantial.

If you want your guaranteed access to health care, and I don't care who you are, you better damn well be willing to pay for it. Otherwise you can go get your colonoscopy by the local plumber, or your appendectomy by the head butcher (you after all don't want the novice). See where that gets you - but it still won't be free.

You want to lower costs? I told you who to attack. But there will NEVER be free health care. You better pray there never is.

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