Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ups and Downs

I never thought as a dude I would experience a major emotional roller coaster in my life. I tend to be pretty even-mannered with very few reasons to gent bent out of shape. However, recently there is one thing, and as you can probably guess, it is this whole followship application thing.

I think it is fair to say that I have good days and bad days. There have been some days when I feel despite the seven interviwes I have/will have, there is still no way I will match. Not just that my chances are low, but that my chances are frankly nil. Some days it has been because I found out about an interview denial which I had previously thought for sure would be a go. I mean, why would a program just two hours down the road at which one of my letter writer's has been a guest lecturer not want to interview with me, while all three of the ones over 2,000 miles away want interviews? Other days I think I just wake up in a bad mood.

But then there are other days when I think about how I have been fortunate enough to get seven interviews, and they are all at good programs (I think). So then, perhaps my odds aren't as bad as I think. Really, though, they just aren't very good.

I just don't want to keep hearing from people, "Oh, I'm sure you'll do just fine. You'll match." That may be people just trying to be nice, but it also shows a paucity of understanding what I'm up against. The numbers speak for themselves and that's about it. And even if I do match, it's not like it's a "they were right and I was wrong" sort of situation; it will just mean I am that much more thankful and grateful.

We'll just have to see sometime after I close out the remaining four interviews over the coming three weeks.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Maybe some of us think "you'll do just fine" because you have been so successful at everything else you've attempted that we just can't fathom that this will be any different. Maybe we believe your abilities far outweigh the politics and statistics involved in this process. Maybe we just are more optimistic than you. Maybe you are just too hard on yourself.