Monday, January 9, 2012


Allow me to apologize for my recent hiatus. December proved to be busier than I planned. But alas, here is a quick update to be followed by more regular posting again in the present future.

The last time I wrote I had only two weeks before submitted the majority of my application materials to the available programs. Well, it's nearly two months later - what's going on?

I have had two interviews so far - at University of West Virginia and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (Harvard) - but both via Skype. The up - I didn't have to travel all the way to these places only for them to decide they don't like me well enough to actually want me. This allows them to screen a lot more people, and then only invite out the ones they want. So I know if I ever get invited to actually visit, they are seriously interested in me and I should thus be very interested in them. The down - it is very hard to gauge a program and its personalities through a computer monitor and headphones.

I have also since then booked three more interviews - at Indianapolis, Seattle, and Milwaukee. The worst part about these is paying for lodging, followed by the flight, followed by transportation, and then the actual travelling. We shall see.

And I just found out today that the University of Iowa is only accepting internal applicants this year - sure seems they could have made that decision before I payed the money to send them my application. Their loss overall, I guess. Sounds like some internal shadiness anyway.

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