Saturday, January 28, 2012

Having Someone Under Me

You've probably heard of my intention of going into academic medicine. You may have hear me mention it. Sure there is a pay cut with it, sometimes quite a large one; although, the hours aren't near as strenuous for the most part.

But now that I've been something more than the most junior of residents for over six months now, I really think I have had a chance to confirm what I want to do. I rather enjoy the opportunity to teach. Since I've had more junior residents around, I have had plenty of opportunity to do this. Even if it's not always teaching a blurb about ophthalmology but rather imparting a gem of practicality in the management of a patient. Presenting a case at grand rounds is not such a bad thing, though sometimes the simple act of putting together the information in the form of a power point can be grueling and hard to begin. And I am supposed to have a lecture with the technician students coming up as well. Good stuff.

If only I could teach some people (no, not just any people; trained and practicing ophthalmologists in group practices) how to manage text book cases and navigate the health care system. I don't know a lot of things, but sometimes I just want to say, "C'mon!!" I've always thought a good reason to stay in academics was easy access to staying up to date on things, but one would think so-called "continuing education" would do the same thing.

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