Monday, October 10, 2011

That Question Wasn't Directed at You

So for those who visit regularly, you know I generally enjoy teaching - one of the big reasons my eventual plans are to enter as an academic surgeon. Having students around is usually enjoyable to me. But there are always those few students who are incredibly annoying. They come in several different types. And, hey, you can't expect everyone to like and enjoy everyone - it's just not reasonable.

We were all sitting in grand rounds one day. The third year medical students currently on the neurology/ophthalmology rotation came strolling in - late as usual, though not entirely their fault. Our grand rounds typically involve a lot of question asking of the residents - known affectionately in our field as "pimping." Although, the pimping at our program is pretty mild. At any rate, the questioner that day was not directing his questions openly; rather, they all started with, "Dr So-and-So, what is. . . ." This is all fine and dandy - it eliminates the type of silence where everyone is thinking: "Well, someone else will answer the question. I think. Do I even know the answer?? What if I'm wrong. Oh God, now I definitely won't answer. . ."

Well there was this medical student. Not even particularly interested in ophthalmology as far as I know. Any low-ball question that was asked to Dr. So-and-So, he was sure to blurt out the answer.

It didn't matter if he was correct in his answers. The temptation to slap him was overwhelming. I don't recall being like that as a student; I knew my boundaries. I think he will find himself having issues with this now and in the future.

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