So one day this, you got it, crazy guy comes into my clinic room. He brings in with him a large bag stuffed to the max with categorized folders documenting in detail his prior physician visits. This, off the bat, is never a good sign, if not always a bad one. Seeing as I was new to him and he to me, he began at the beginning, some years ago. But it wasn't with words. It was with pictures. He had drawn out in detail the visual distortions he noted in his vision. Each complete with color coded documentation.
Right off he clearly doesn't understand how unimportant all this stuff is. Of course, he then proceeds to tell me that no resident in the past was ever capable of seeing his problem, only the retina attendings. "Okay," I'm thinking at this point, "this guy is in for it." Even from his story it was obvious he had categorized residents and attendings on opposite sides of a tall cinder block wall. He was missing out on key elements of the resident-attending relationship that are quite obvious to others.
"Look, any new problems today?" I asked
"Well if you'll give me a piece of paper. . ."
"I'll just go get the 'Retina Specialist.' Draw while I'm gone."
Drawing is a true art. But then, so is knowing how to cut people short in their graphic rambling.