Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Healthcare and Social Assistance

Now this guy needs social assistance.

I am currently signed up with a survey service that sends me online surveys about various topics on at least a weekly basis. Each survey earns me points, and the cumulative points can be exchanged for some sort of cheaply made merchandise or gift card. Each point is worth about one-half cent, and at least 5000 points are needed to get any thing worth while. It takes a while to get there.

Any way, there are always classification questions asking about my age, my race, where I live, what kind of work I do, etc. Sadly, it's the same group of questions with every survey which becomes redundant. And when comes down to my line of work, social assistance and health care are lumped into the same category. Totally irrespective of the truth of it.

I did not go to four years of college, followed by four years of medical school, followed by four years of residency to be a social servant, or a social worker. I am a doctor. Please note the difference.

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