Wednesday, March 30, 2011

There Must be a Name for It

There have been many books published over time written by doctors who also happened to have a knack for writing. They have often come up with their own set of rules, sayings, constants, etc. pertaining to their experiences.

Here is one such constant. It's 4 o' clock, maybe 4:30, and in through the clinic door walks this patient as an add on/urgent care. Inevitably, the problem(s) plaguing this person is (are) not simple. Multiple people have to get involved, special tests need to be ran, and suddenly no one else is available to help.

If you've read any of the above mentioned literary pieces, perhaps you can tell me what this phenomenon has been named. If no name has been chosen, I am also open to any suggestions.


Jess said...

My dad has often observed this phenomenon. It also happens to me and his office manager, someone will call the office at 3:45 with very serious symptoms that have to be dealt with.

Lucy lately is the stupid name we call them (often women, but not always).

g said...

It's called Murphy's law I reckon.

Dr? Thuro said...

No - Murphy's law is too generic. This is a specific, recurring situation.