Friday, June 3, 2011

It's OK You Didn't See it and I Did - I'm an Eye Doctor

I like my ER buddies, but sometimes they make me giggle.

Recently I got called to the emergency room to see a patient who presented after a full day of excruciating one-sided eye pain. After a very thorough exam by not only the ER resident but an attending as well, I was called and they said, "We just don't see anything wrong. Please help us and come see this patient."

"No problem," I said. I was sure something simply got missed. I talked to the patient who told me about how he had been working in his fields the prior day - working around a lot of soy seeds. At the time, I didn't know what soy seeds looked like, but now I can say they look like this:

At any rate, the exam was superficially unrevealing except for an angry red eye.

But after flipping the lids and peeking underneath, I found what appeared to be a small shell of a seed, not but a couple millimeters in size.

The ER docs were nearly embarrassed for not having found it. I told them it was quite alright. The fact is, I flip someone's lids inside out nearly daily, and have become damn good at getting a good look at everything there is to see under there.

It's okay - I'm an eye doctor. We are better at examining eyes - I hope - than you. Just like you are better at placing chest tubes than us.

Is that enough pictures, Jess?

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