No, Daddy, I don't think I can quite reach the pedals.
First, let me tell you about geriatrics. A couple folks out there were hoping I would turn around and decide that I like geriatrics. Well, sorry to disappoint, but no, it didn't happen. Now, it wasn't the older patients that bothered me. It was the sitting around for two weeks with little to do, then sitting around in a clinic room boring myself to death with a whole two to four patients a day, and getting very little to nothing from it all. On the wards, we saw three or four patients in the morning, rounded, and then sat around the rest of the day since we weren't allowed to leave until after 4:30 every day. The clinic was everything but educational. See the hospice patient and nursing home patients weekly was a near waste of time. Worst of all, it's a graded rotation. It ought to be a pass/fail rotation considering no other medical school in the entire country dedicates (read: wastes) a month of their students' time on seeing patients who are no different from any other patient. What if I end up with a B, ultimately screwing up my GPA over a rotation incomparable to any rotation taken by another student at another school The things they harp on being extra careful about in the elderly are true all right, but these same things are just as important in nearly every patient on the medicine service at the VA, which I worked for two months.
As the rotation neared its end, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. But that light quickly went out when neurology started. My discussion about this will be at some other time.
I have my paper undergoing its last revision by a transplant surgeon. After this, I will submit if for publication. I have registered for the ophthalmology matching site, and I am almost finished coming up with a list of the programs to which I will apply. It's an exciting time, so exciting in fact that I totally lost site of the fact that yesterday was my birthday. It came up on me so fast that the only reminder of the day was the wonderful pie my wonderful wife made for me. Oh, and a few b-day cards, text messages, and a million phone calls.
I don't have much else to say tonight. Guess I just have a lot else on my mind. Goodnight.
Happy late birthday.
OMG I am a bad friend.
What good would it do for her to reach the pedals if she can't see over the steering wheel? I really don't think anyone who has as much natural aggression as Cali should be allowed behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle.
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