Saturday, May 3, 2008

Spring Awakening

Below is a listing of pictures taken to commemorate the colors to spring blooming. These are the reasons we couldn't live in a city like, say, Chicago.

Welcome to our road. Yes, it's a gravel road.

So the mail person doesn't have to drive way out to all our neighbors - and they still screw it up.

The center of our "driveway." The stump, and the iron pot.

I planted these around the stump and iron pot. Hopefully, they will grow to be much bigger.

Our land, and iron pot, are infested with this bulbous plant. I was unsure of the type until. . .

A bloom! Which eventually became. . .

A flower: An iris, to be specific.

Another one, beside the house.

I'm telling you, these babies are everywhere!

Other types of purple flowers can be seen in the area.

And more.

The flowering bushes on the side of our house.

A closeup.

A different kind of flowering bush.

Same as previous, different color. Notice these are in front of our front porch.

In fact, the view from the porch.

In our back "yard," one can find many of these numbers.

Also in our back yard - WILD STRAWBERRIES!!!

Just outside the yard, the path from which Bailey's friend, Rosie, comes.

Venturing away from the house, it's amazing what can be found - a scary shed.

What appears to be an ancient torture device.

Chicks in a mailbox that hasn't received the Post in years.

Not sure how this one got here. It's about seventy years old.

A field of little, yellow flowers.

Now this field would be perfect for a game of ultimate!

As a result of all the storms in Arkansas, a babbling brook.

Also from the storms, a very wind-blown tree.

And finally, we look to the heavens to thank God for all this beauty.

As a side note, I can't begin to tell you how long it took to get all this formatted the way my anal-retentive self wanted it done. I hope you enjoy. If you haven't looked, below is also a new blog about my most recent rotation.


Carrie Allen said...

Oh, I miss flora. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

It looks great! The pictures are pretty and the format is good!