Monday, June 4, 2007


Yep, it's no surprise I am studying. Or, rather, taking a break from it at this exact moment. With only two weeks left to cram, I probably shouldn't be here, but who cares? I would say I need a break, but that's kind of hard to suggest since I spent most of the weekend not studying. I went through flash cards and some of a review book while flying on each of the five planes we rode on. That's right, five. We went to Detroit over the weekend for a wedding, and between 5:40 AM on Saturday and noon on Sunday, we boarded five different jets. Amazingly, not a single delay put us behind schedule, not even in Chicago. We had a great time. I got to dance with the always beautiful Rachel Soon-to-be-Thuro. We couldn't really take any of their ideas away with us since pretty much everything at our own wedding, in 19 days, is planned. I don't have much else to say right now since I have given my brain over to the demons of academia, temporarily suspending much in the way of will power and creativity.


Rachel said...

It was great dancing with you too. Glad I didn't get drunk enough to embarass you! Well except when I was talking with arms too much and knocked over that glass of red wine on the white table linen. Oops.

Anonymous said...

ULTIMATE!!!! All free time should be directed towards ultimate. But you may not talk about it. That is the first rule, the second rule is the same as the first.

Rachel said...

Ultimate comes after the soon-to-be wife, Dr. G!