Saturday, October 4, 2008

So What's Going On?

You're probably wondering why I haven't posted anything in awhile. Why, Bradley, your wife has announced her pregnancy - have you nothing to say? Don't you have interviews by now? Has your cat grown a brain yet? Well, the answers to these questions and more may be ahead.

First, and perhaps most importantly, the baby. Rachel has already announced the news, so that's why I haven't had much to say about it here. Don't worry, it doesn't make me any less excited, happy, scared - you name it. Any time someone asks, "Do you know what you're gonna have?" I wanna say "A heat attack." Of course I'm kidding, and then I say we don't know just yet, but I want a girl. This draws up many looks and comments of surprise - "Really?" Maybe it's because I grew up with four brothers and only one sister. We'll find out in about three weeks. Right now we're just in the pahse of buying diapers every week while we shop for groceries, and trying to figure out what baby furniture we want. Adding a family member and needing new furniture means needing to completely rearrange some things around the house. Closets have to be reorganized multiple times, furniture must be relocated or sold, and clothes must be donated or boxed up. This is all happening, but at a slow pace since we have several months to go.

Interviews. It's interesting. Even though ophthalmology matches its applicants two months sooner than the other programs, the interviews aren't much earlier. I know someone going into pediatrics who is interviewing, like, yesterday while I continue to wait for my first one. I have so far booked five interviews, I'm trying to decide on a sixth offer, and UAMS has yet to contact me (which, barring some unforeseen earth-shattering catastrophe, will happen eventually). I am going to Dallas and St. Louis the last week of October, Oklahoma City sometime in November, and Lexington and Memphis in December. Cincinnati is the one I am trying to decide whether I want to go to or not. My goal is to get around 10 - 12 interviews, and since most programs haven't even begun informing applicants of interview selection, I don't think I have anything to worry about. Here's hoping. I have finally begun working on my application materials for the transitional year - yep, a separate application process meaning twice the money and time.

And no, the cat still has no brain. Any unanswered questions can be posed here at your leisure.


Anonymous said...

Just because her brain works differently from yours doesn't mean she doesn't have one. I hope you treat my new granddaughter with more respect.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Great to hear from you.

Dr? Thuro said...

Well, Mom - it's just a joke. Sheesh.

Thanks, Kang.