Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Those Little Gray Spots

You know what's scary to me? Children admitted to a psych ward. I have always felt uncomfortable in that situation. But do you what is even scarier? A KID IN THE PSYCH WARD WITH GRAY SPOTS ON HIS EYES!!!! AHHHH!!!!

Allow me to clarify a little bit while giving a lesson on time awareness. There was a child (yes, admitted to the psych ward) who fell while jumping on the bed. (Immediately I think of my daughter's feigned attempts at singing "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.") Now, I am only being a little cynical by wondering why psychiatric physicians aren't able to assess someone after s/he fell to determine if head CT scanning is needed. After all, I have several friends in the department. But why they have to call a family medicine resident to do the assessment is confusing, if not concerning. At any rate, one did. And this one, we'll call him Dr. Thybeorver, noted gray spots on the kid's eyes. But even he knew this was not likely to be urgent and could wait until morning. Although, he still recommended an ophthalmology consult which was not needed.

Apparently, someone else (the psych resident) thought 5AM was a good time. "Non urgent you say? Well 5AM will do just fine, then."

Blah. So I saw the patient and of course agreed, there were a few perfectly normal looking gray spots on this kid's eye. Had probably been there since birth.

I got so scared I about shit a brick.

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