Monday, May 23, 2011

That Tuft of Grey Hair

Who says grey can't be sexy?
I have mentioned in the past peoples' incessant commenting on my young looks. But as proof that I'm not as young as my boyish features suggest, there are more and more grey hairs popping up over time.

There are a number of possibilities for this. One is that I'm a dad of a two year old. Let's face it, Mia is a hand full. A lovable, non-stop handful.

Another possibility is residency. Again, let's face it, the work is not easy. When not at work, we're at home studying. (Or writing a blog.) The only reason it hasn't given me wrinkles is because I don't often smile, laugh, or even frown about it. It is what it is.

Or it could be that every time someone accuses me of being nineteen, another one pops up. Thankfully I have otherwise beautifully thick hair. Anyways, my twentieth birthday is coming up soon, so slow down, Life.

Isn't this a blog about being an eye doctor?

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