Friday, August 8, 2008

New Yorkers

Top 10 reasons not to live in New York City, associate with New Yorkers, or even look at them:

10. They're certainly not any better looking, even though they think so.

9. They probably coined the phrase "metrosexual."

8. They believe that forgoing botox means not caring about how you look.

7. They believe that having money means you should buy more stuff (crap), not provide for your future or your family. The concept of old money doesn't exist to them, and never will.

6. They think watching ballets makes them more cultured. Nevermind that doing labor on a farm with people from all over provoides plenty of culture.

5. While David Letterman is fairly comical, most of them just plain aren't.

4. They don't have cars. They can't even say "car" correctly.

3. They also believe if you don't spend a small fortune on your clothes, you don't care about how you look.

2. They have long forgotten what trees and grass look like, and certainly can't appreciate it when they see it.

1. Have you ever met one, for cryin' out loud?